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Welcome to Brasa Belgium

Brasa Belgium is part of the worldwide renowned Brasa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team.
Come and learn disciplines like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ( BJJ ), grappling, wrestling, boxing, Mixed martial arts ( MMA ) and more !

No matter your age, background or team…

Everybody is welcome on our mat!

Start your journey in the wonderful art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu today.
It won’t be easy, but we promise you it will be worth it, every step of the way.
You will make friends for life and, who knows, before you know it Brazilian Jiu Jitsu might just turn into a true passion for you as well!

Mihai LapusneanuMihai Lapusneanu
13:12 26 Aug 23
Recommend it for every type of person, elite level or either hobbyist. The classes are given by amazing coaches.
Igor MalachiIgor Malachi
05:23 24 Aug 23
Brasa Jiujitsu is a high level school, with very welcoming coaches and great training partners. I strongly recommend this place for anyone from beginner through black belts. I am looking forward to meeting the head coach Wim in August! Thank you so much, for having me as a guest!!!August is here and I am back to Brasa, I met Wim and we had great rolls!!! Lots to learn from Wim. Thanks again!!!
13:22 19 Aug 23
Good place to roll and Learn good jiu-jitsu ! Thank you for the warm welcome ?? osss
Lejla kolikLejla kolik
09:01 16 Aug 23
Came to visit the city Leuven but as someone who can not go a day without training, went and visited BJJ Club Brasa. I only have positive expirience, they are very welcoming and open people. Had so much fun rolling with them and can't wait to visit them again.I am so happy that I had the chance to train with a qualificated, professional trainer and competitor as Wim Deputter. Always learning something new and always taking my chance to take as much experience there is.Anyone who is in the city and wants to train, go for it. You will not just have fun, but also make good friends. Oss! ❤️
Selma MahmuljinSelma Mahmuljin
11:02 15 Aug 23
I'm always passing the gym but never got the courage to start training martial arts. But after my friend came with a great experience and a lot of positive feedback, i think i will try it out. The gym has a lot of space and looks great. ⭐️?
Alessandro ArgoAlessandro Argo
14:16 12 Aug 23
Amazing gym, have been training here since November. Wim is insanely knowledgeable and the gym has a family oriented/ relaxed environment. There are many classes everyday, and they are in English if even one person doesn't speak Dutch so it is very international friendly also.
Slaven OlujicSlaven Olujic
17:20 09 Aug 23
We visited Wim's academy for one No-Gi class after Jason Rau's seminar in Leuven, Belgium.Wim brings a fresh and engaging approach to Jiu Jitsu. His emphasis on details and concepts sets him apart. Wim's teaching delves beyond techniques and mindless drilling, providing a deep understanding of the principles at play.What's remarkable is Wim's focus on conceptual learning, instilling insights alongside techniques. For those seeking for training in Brussels or close by, Wim's classes are an invaluable experience.
Nate LewinNate Lewin
20:41 24 May 23
Brasa is an incredible gym. The instructor, Wim Deputter, is so inviting and friendly. His students were also extremely friendly and outgoing. One of the best, cleanest, high quality jiujitsu gyms I have ever been to.
Nick MorrenNick Morren
14:12 30 Mar 23
Amazing gym!!! I trained here for a year when i lived in Belgium and did not know anyone. You will meet lots of great people with a positive mindset. The gym and showers are clean. Instructors are very good, hope to come back soon.
Jofrey OhriJofrey Ohri
16:11 13 Jan 23
A clean gym with 15 sessions a week for adults. Morning sessions and multiple evening sessions at different moments. Ideal to combine with my jobGreat and kind people to chat with after the training. I definitely recommend to try it out
Chris DrewryChris Drewry
14:58 21 Sep 22
Read the reviews. They don't lie. This place really is as great as they say it is. The school is immaculately clean with a friendly vibe, and I met many people that I look forward to training with on return trips. Wim and instructors not only have impressive competitive resumes, but are also able to relay that knowledge in a way that makes sense to both new practitioners and seasoned vets. This shows in both the skill and humility of the people in his academy. Thank you Wim for the great experience these past few weeks.
Zakk ZaharievZakk Zahariev
06:19 16 Sep 22
Awesome gym! The trainers were really knowledgeable and very detail oriented. The guys who train there were very technical and welcoming to me. This speaks volumes of the quality! Looking foreword to come back!
Uros VesnicUros Vesnic
08:48 10 Sep 22
Coach very knowledgeable and nice, level of training is very high. Friendly and international atmosphere. Level of bjj, grappling, wrestling and also striking trainings is really high, but people are really humble. I'm coming from Brussels to train here
Mihai LapusneanuMihai Lapusneanu
13:12 26 Aug 23
Beveel het aan voor elk type persoon, eliteniveau of hobbyist. De lessen worden gegeven door geweldige coaches.
Igor MalachiIgor Malachi
05:23 24 Aug 23
Brasa Jiujitsu is een school van hoog niveau, met zeer gastvrije coaches en geweldige trainingspartners. Ik raad deze plek ten zeerste aan voor iedereen, van beginner tot zwarte band. Ik kijk er naar uit om in augustus hoofdtrainer Wim te ontmoeten! Heel erg bedankt, dat je mij als gast hebt!!!Augustus is aangebroken en ik ben terug naar Brasa, ik heb Wim ontmoet en we hebben geweldige broodjes gehad!!! Veel te leren van Wim. Nogmaals bedankt!!!
13:22 19 Aug 23
Goede plek om te rollen en goede jiu-jitsu te leren! Bedankt voor het warme welkom ??osss
Lejla kolikLejla kolik
09:01 16 Aug 23
Kwam op bezoek in de stad Leuven maar als iemand die geen dag zonder training kan, ging ik op bezoek bij BJJ Club Brasa. Ik heb alleen maar positieve ervaringen, het zijn hele gastvrije en open mensen. Had zoveel plezier met ze rollen en kan niet wachten om ze weer te bezoeken.Ik ben zo blij dat ik de kans heb gekregen om te trainen met een gediplomeerde, professionele trainer en deelnemer als Wim Deputter. Altijd iets nieuws leren en altijd mijn kans grijpen om zoveel mogelijk ervaring op te doen.Iedereen die in de stad is en wil trainen, ga ervoor. Je zult niet alleen plezier hebben, maar ook goede vrienden maken. Oss! ❤️
Selma MahmuljinSelma Mahmuljin
11:02 15 Aug 23
Ik passeer altijd de sportschool maar heb nooit de moed gehad om vechtsporten te gaan trainen. Maar nadat mijn vriend kwam met een geweldige ervaring en veel positieve feedback, denk ik dat ik het ga proberen. De sportschool heeft veel ruimte en ziet er geweldig uit. ⭐️?
Slaven OlujicSlaven Olujic
17:20 09 Aug 23
We bezochten de academie van Wim voor één No-Gi-klas na het seminar van Jason Rau in Leuven, België.Wim brengt een frisse en boeiende benadering van Jiu Jitsu. Zijn nadruk op details en concepten onderscheidt hem. Wim's onderwijs gaat verder dan technieken en hersenloos boren, en biedt een diep begrip van de principes die in het spel zijn.Opvallend is Wim's focus op conceptueel leren, waarbij hij naast technieken ook inzichten bijbrengt. Voor wie op zoek is naar een opleiding in Brussel of dichtbij, zijn de lessen van Wim een ​​ervaring van onschatbare waarde.
Nate LewinNate Lewin
20:41 24 May 23
Brasa is een ongelooflijke sportschool. De instructeur, Wim Deputter, is zo uitnodigend en vriendelijk. Zijn studenten waren ook buitengewoon vriendelijk en extravert. Een van de beste, schoonste jiujitsu-sportscholen van hoge kwaliteit waar ik ooit ben geweest.
Philip CandriesPhilip Candries
08:43 10 Sep 22
Zonder enige twijfel één van de allerbeste BJJ tempels in België. Wim is een gedreven professional met buitengewone passie en uitzonderlijk diepe kennis van Braziliaans Jiu-Jitsu.
Mihai LapusneanuMihai Lapusneanu
13:12 26 Aug 23
Je le recommande à tout type de personne, niveau élite ou amateur. Les cours sont dispensés par des coachs formidables.
Igor MalachiIgor Malachi
05:23 24 Aug 23
Brasa Jiujitsu est une école de haut niveau, avec des coachs très accueillants et de formidables partenaires d'entraînement. Je recommande fortement cet endroit à tous, du débutant aux ceintures noires. J'ai hâte de rencontrer l'entraîneur-chef Wim en août ! Merci beaucoup de m'avoir invité !!!Le mois d'août est là et je suis de retour à Brasa, j'ai rencontré Wim et nous avons eu de super petits pains !!! Beaucoup à apprendre de Wim. Merci encore!!!
13:22 19 Aug 23
Bon endroit pour rouler et apprendre le bon jiu-jitsu ! Merci pour l'accueil chaleureux ?? osss
Lejla kolikLejla kolik
09:01 16 Aug 23
Je suis venu visiter la ville de Louvain mais comme quelqu'un qui ne peut pas passer une journée sans s'entraîner, est allé visiter le BJJ Club Brasa. Je n'ai que des expériences positives, ce sont des gens très accueillants et ouverts. J'ai eu tellement de plaisir à rouler avec eux et j'ai hâte de leur rendre visite à nouveau.Je suis tellement heureux d'avoir eu la chance de m'entraîner avec un entraîneur et compétiteur professionnel qualifié comme Wim Deputter. Toujours apprendre quelque chose de nouveau et toujours saisir ma chance d'acquérir autant d'expérience qu'il y a.Quiconque est en ville et veut s'entraîner, allez-y. Non seulement vous vous amuserez, mais vous vous ferez aussi de bons amis. Oss! ❤️
Selma MahmuljinSelma Mahmuljin
11:02 15 Aug 23
Je passe toujours par le gymnase mais je n'ai jamais eu le courage de commencer à m'entraîner aux arts martiaux. Mais après que mon ami est venu avec une grande expérience et beaucoup de commentaires positifs, je pense que je vais l'essayer. La salle de gym a beaucoup d'espace et a fière allure. ⭐️?
Basile NemeryBasile Nemery
19:51 26 Jul 23
Très chouette initiation au sein du club, le cours était adapté pour tous les niveaux, beaucoup de respect et d’humilité entre les membres, et la salle est très bien aménagée!
Alaïs LangloisAlaïs Langlois
13:41 25 Jul 23
Mon premier cours en sein de votre club était très enrichissant.Dojo très bien aménagé!
Axel VanderlindenAxel Vanderlinden
20:29 09 Aug 21
Super club ! Pour une première fois là bas c'était vraiment plaisant de tourner avec eux? je recommande
Georges M.Georges M.
07:46 05 Nov 18
Dojo très bien aménagé ! Possibilité de s’entrainer chaque jour ! L’équipe enseignante est certainement la meilleure.
Ben ItoBen Ito
01:07 05 Nov 18
Super dojo, très bon coach!

Brasa schedule

Accessible for everyone

The club offers a wide range of activities throughout the week with flexible schedules to suit your needs. You’ll find plenty of options to choose from, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete. From morning to evening, we’ve got you covered. Take a look at our schedule to see what we have in store for you.


New to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Accessible for everyone
Welcome to Brasa Belgium, your portal to the captivating world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Whether you’re a newcomer looking to learn or a seasoned practitioner, our academy is dedicated to providing top-quality instruction and fostering a supportive community for all levels. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, affectionately known as BJJ, has gained worldwide acclaim for its exceptional ground combat techniques, originating in the heart of Brazil. BJJ focuses on mastering grappling, submissions, and positional control, making it an immensely potent and versatile self-defense art. At Brasa Belgium, we take immense pride in offering unparalleled BJJ training with instructors driven by a profound passion for sharing their expertise. Whether you’re just starting your journey or seeking to refine your skills, our academy provides a warm and supportive atmosphere to help you thrive and excel. Embrace the essence of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu today at Brasa Belgium and embark on a transformative journey like no other!

Brasa classes

From Brazillian Jiu Jitsu to boxing or MMA to Yoga. We got you covered at Brasa Belgium

Brasa Membership

Choose what's best for you.


Trial lesson
FREE One course

One year

annual subscription
800 /year

6 months

semiannual subscription
450 /6 months

3 months

quarterly subscription
250 /3 months

Private booking

Book an instructor for a private class or a seminar

Sportsday / Teambuilding

  • Sport jiu jitsu or self defense
  • Male, female or mixed groups possible
  • Individual class or lesson series
  • Venue of choice


  • Group classes
  • One day seminars or multiple day camps possible
  • Suitable for groups who want to work on a specific topic
  • Venue of choice

Private Lesson

  • One-on-one or small group classes with an instructor at our gym
  • Tailored to individual needs and goals
  • Ideal for beginners or those with specific questions or problems
  • Convenient for those with scheduling constraints


Where to find us

Great news! Parking on the street is completely free ( just be sure to check the signs ), so you won’t have to worry about any parking fees. What’s more, Heverlee station is just a leisurely 5-minute walk away. Enjoy your visit without the hassle of additional expenses!


Groenstraat 129, 3001 Heverlee


+32 496 90 73 52


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